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Manasquan Fishing Club: January to April 2024 - The Doldrums

The start of the year is often considered a quiet time for anglers, but the Manasquan Fishing Club stayed busy with planning, community efforts, and the occasional winter fishing report.

January: Planning and Prep

January began with preparations for the club’s annual banquet and raffle, with members like Jim Freda stepping up to contribute prizes. Though fishing reports were sparse, members remained connected, keeping the conversation lively and supportive. John Sheehan led the charge on organizing the raffle, with frequent reminders to reach out for donations and help to make the event a success.

February: Offseason Chatter and Gear Preparation

February saw members working on club projects, such as the sinker party and plastic recycling efforts. Eric Wasnesky coordinated with local schools on a plastic recycling initiative, while discussions around gear and molds for the sinker party dominated the conversation. Despite the cold, the excitement for the upcoming season was evident as members prepared their gear, attended seminars, and talked shop. Bill Pollock helped share key takeaways from a Wahoo and Tuna trolling seminar for those who couldn’t attend in person.

The club also saw some exciting side projects, like Frank Cuccio's diving trip to Puerto Rico where he speared lionfish, helping to protect the ecosystem while sharing photos and stories of his catch with the group.

March: Tournaments and More Event Prep

March brought renewed excitement with discussions around the Slam Award, a new competition designed to recognize members for catching a variety of species throughout the year. The club also focused on planning the annual banquet and auction, with many members working hard to gather items and ensure everything was ready. 

As spring approached, members like Jim Freda began to tease the start of the fishing season, reporting on the first striped bass catches from Raritan Bay. Despite the slower winter months, the anticipation of warmer weather and the start of the fishing season kept spirits high.

April: Banquets, Early Catches, and Warmer Weather

April marked the beginning of the fishing season in earnest, with the annual banquet being a major highlight. Members gathered for a successful night of raffles, good food, and camaraderie, with thanks given to Paul Shafer, Jack Pongracz, and others for making it a success. On the water, Jim Freda kicked off the season with a solid bass catch, followed by other members like Bill Pollock landing impressive striped bass and tog.

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Jim Frida with the first Raritan Bay Bass 31.5" back bay plug

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Bill Pollack tagging                                                Ed Kerekes with a 16.5" blackfish out of PP Canal

Club members also took part in various plastic recycling initiatives and continued sharing stories from early fishing trips. Chris Jewell and Fred Truex added some excitement with their participation in the Cayman Islands International Fishing Tournament, where they were filmed for Discovery Channel’s *Let’s Take it Outside*. Though the fishing wasn’t ideal, the experience was unforgettable.

Looking Ahead

As April came to a close, MFC members were gearing up for an exciting season, eager to hit the water and continue the momentum from the year’s early catches. With the doldrums behind them, the fishing season was just beginning to heat up.