About the Club
Manasquan Fishing Club

Our story
The Manasquan Fishing Club was founded in 1955. We are a not-for-profit organization dedicated to recreational saltwater fishing, preserving the environment, and protecting the rights of recreational saltwater anglers.
We are
Avid fisherman, willing to share our knowledge and expertise. Many of our members are involved in fisheries management issues as members of the New Jersey Marine Fisheries Council, the Jersey Coast Anglers Association, and the Recreational Fishing Alliance.
The Club holds regular business meetings on the first Friday of each month at 7:30 PM at the Manasquan Women's Club, 62 Main Street, Manasquan, New Jersey.
Our Meetings feature a wide variety of guest speakers, seminars, and/or hands-on demonstrations relevant to saltwater angling, boating safety, or fisheries management.
Other Club Activities
We regularly sponsor fishing trips for our members as well as intra-club fishing tournaments where our club’s members compete against each other.
We participate in inter-club fishing tournaments with other local fishing clubs, as well as the annual Manasquan PBA Kids’ Tournament, Manasquan Big Sea Day, and Juniors Tournaments for the children and grandchildren of our members.
The Club and Manasquan Recreation Department host a fishing clinic for local residents to teach them how to fish and to help bring the sport to the new people.
Our members regularly participate in local open fluke, shark, and striped bass fishing tournaments.